“How to Make a Million in the Wild West”: You can’t afford to miss this

On Thursday, January 27th, the Northwest Montana History Museum is happy to welcome Dr. Bill Farley, who will explore the many ways average men became self-made millionaires in Montana and the early American West. 
The Wild West era in American history is replete with stories of prospectors, merchants, and outlaws in search of great wealth. A rare few achieved their dreams, while everyone else either met their demise, returned home, or settled for steady wages working for others. In this presentation, author Bill Farley will discuss a variety of ways Wild West millionaires built their wealth – including James A. Murray, the most successful Irish entrepreneur in the American West – in a landscape where there were few laws and a skeleton of a justice system.

Bill Farley holds a Ph.D. from the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University. His research interests include economic and policy history with his work having been published in Montana: The Magazine of Western History, the Journal of San Diego History and the Journal of Policy History. He also has published trade articles in Wild West Magazine, American Ancestors, as well as a trade book on Montana Pioneer James A. Murray (Mountain Press Publishing, 2018). Dr. Farley has been an invited lecturer at the An-Ri-Ra Festival in Butte and on two occasions at the Montana Historical Association in Helena. He was recently commissioned by the Irish Royal Academy to prepare an entry for James A. Murray into the Dictionary of Irish Biography. 

How to Make a Million in the Wild West will be held at the Northwest Montana History Museum on Thursday, January 27th, at 7pm. The event is free to attend, and beer, wine, and pop will be available for purchase. 

Everyone is always welcome at the Northwest Montana History Museum. However, if you have a cough, a fever, or are just feeling under the weather, we kindly ask that you visit us some other time; not only for your own health, but for the well-being of our staff and other supporters.

The Northwest Montana History Museum is located at 124 2nd Ave E., Kalispell. Call 406- 756-8381 for more information.